
IDHP Research Summaries

Guide to Navigating this Research Archive

Here you will find research articles published by IDHP researchers that are related to our primary scientific foci: the interconnected mental health of children and their caregivers, the intergenerational impact of stressful experiences on mental and physical health, and interventions and other buffers that support family wellness. 


In the right sidebar, you can search this archive by research topic, as well as by research study (you can read about each study on the Current Projects page). Each archive entry has a simple summary, the full scientific abstract, and a link to the full article. Most of the articles in this research archive are available open access (i.e., you can access it without a subscription). If you are trying to access an article and aren't able to see the full version, please email us at [email protected], and we would be happy to assist. 



February 4, 2019
Child mental & behavioral health
Child physical health
Protective factors
This commentary discusses a study by Qureshi & colleagues (2018) that focuses on the relationship between positive psychological assets in childhood and cardiometabolic health, which is a largely unexplored area of research. The four domains examined in the study showed potential for investment, including early childhood executive function, prosocial behaviors, positive relationships, and neighborhood opportunities. The authors highlight the need to both document associations and to rigorously study methods to enhance these positive psychological assets. The article concludes by discussing the implications of the study for researchers and clinical practitioners, emphasizing the need for a life course approach to cardiometabolic health with particular emphasis on the pediatric period.